Friday, July 13, 2012


Salam Jumu'ah!

semoga hari ini lebih baik dari semalam. SMILE, SMILE AND SMILE! :)

actually am shocked! really really shocked! SubhanAllah! HE pay it cash! i dunno the best way to say this. I mean, ya Allah is that exactly the way you give them the lesson? Ya Allah, I've never expected this! really! I feel so so bad. what should I do :( :(


Allahummaghfirlahum warhamhum wa'afini wa'fu'anhum...

Ya Allah yang Maha Pemurah lagi Maha Mengasihani, Kau ampunkanlah dosa-dosaku, mereka yang menyakitiku, ibu-bapaku, keluarga dan sanak-saudaraku, guru-guruku, dan mereka di sekelilingku. 

Ya Allah yang Maha Mendengar, lembutkanlah hati ini untuk memaafkan mereka dengan ikhlas.

Ya Allah, jadikanlah kesakitan yang Kau berikan ini sebagai kafarah terhadap dosa-dosa kami yang lepas dan akan datang. 

Ya Allah yang Maha Melindungi, jauhkanlah kami dari perasaan dendam, buruk sangka, hasad dengki, dan sifat-sifat mazmumah yang lain.

Ya Allah, permudahkanlah urusan kami. hanya Kau sahaja sebaik-baik penentu.


when i heard bout the news, i was like..seriously? slip d*** ? at the b**k? Ya Allah, i'm speechless. but I strongly believe that HE knows best right? i thought he would be fine then after being admitted in the hospital for a few days. but, operation? now they got it worsen then me. you know that kind of feeling...err, when you think that your revenge paid by HIM? Oh My.....Ya Allah Ya Allah, I dunno what should I feel. Astaghfirullahal'azim!

should I say like,,,

"padan muka kau kedekut!!! dulu time aku susah, sikit pun kau satu family tak nak cuba tolong"

or should I pray the best for her?

"Ya Allah, kesiannya. Kau bagi ayah dia rasa sebijik (tak la sebijik sgt sbnrnya) macamana aku rasa sekarang? can he endure it? dah tua pun pak cik tu (membayangkan kalau terjadi pada ayah aku). Ya Allah, permudahkanlah."

seriously aku hanya mampu berdoa je sekarang ni. kalau ini balasan yang terbaik untuknya, Kau permudahkanlah dia Ya Allah...

p/s: please pray for the best for the pak cik too. he is in the operating room right now. i'm still confused :/ hmmmmm.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Eh, header baru background baru?


yeba yeba! header suda tukar lah. background pun baru...hoho.
 VINTAGE CONCEPT! (harapnye jadilah -,-)
introducing my current-combined-favorite-colors 
baby pink and turquoise! plus rustic thingy, so vintage I guess :D

who's with me??
put ya hands up like 2PM!


Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Aidijuma | Datin Nur Juma


Yeay! nak masuk Ramadhan dah. lepas tuh Syawal lahh. or i call it sesi-mengumpul-pendapatan-terbanyak-sekali-setahun! LOL. <------------- haruss lah oke. time lain x mampu den. datang ziarah rumah orang + rumah terbuka etc. + makan-makan (free lagi you...) + salam bermaafan + dapat duwet laye laa... EASY CONCEPT! kan kan. (ngengg =,=') 

guys guys!
ever heard bout AIDIJUMA ?? for sure you have right. awesome tudung bawal inspired by Datin Nurjuma Habib. sapa yg tak kenal kan? sempena nak raya ni Alhamdulillah berkesempatan dapat cuba 3 pieces from Bawal 204 collections. cantik-cantik and colorful. material cotton yang lembut, sejuk and best sebab mudah dibentuk. and tak sejarang tudung bawal biasa. bout the size I think it is bidang 50 inc sebab dia labuh sket dari yg biasa (bawal no. 1). i would strongly recommend this scarf for your Raya Collection okehh! banyak color so boleh pakai dengan macam-macam baju. kan senang kerja kalau kena travel mana2 dak... plus tak payah nak iron gasak sangat lah. material dia dah sedia mudah digosok. (kalau dah namanya cik uppa ni nak senang aje kejenye...haishh)

maintain cute je Datin ni :D

Grey Paddlepop

Ocean Lavender


banyak lagi pilihan kat sini . have a visit! :)

Monday, July 9, 2012



Something to share with you guys!

The names of the Islamic months are rooted in certain events that took place in them.

Ramadhan is named after Ramda; Ramda are stones heated by the sun during summer.

Shawwal is derived from the lifting (Arabic - shayl) of a camel’s tail to ward off flies (because of the extreme heat).

Dzul Qaidah is named such because it was the first sacred month that prohibited fighting. Thus, people sat (refrained from fighting) during that time.

Dzul Hijjah is named such because the Hajj coincides with it.

Muharram takes its name because fighting is prohibited during it.

Safar takes its name from sifir, which means to be empty, because the trails that the Arabs used for travel and business were empty because the sacred months had ended and fighting returned.

Rab`i al-Awal and Rab`i al-Akhir took their names from rab`i al-’ashab (dense grass) because it grew during these two months.

Jumad al-Ula and Jumad al-Thani took their names from jumad al-ma' (English - ice), because these two months occurred while it was cold.

Rajab is coined as such because it is a sacred month.

Sya`ban is taken from a word which means to split and divide. It took its name because the Arabs would return to fighting upon its onset and divide themselves.

<Translated from Al-Dhakhira by Imam al-Qarafi, vol. 2 pg. 486>

The Great Mosque of Djenné made by sun-baked mud!

the closer view of one of the gate


mood: Ramadhan's countdown! gonna try some new recipes for iftar :D