Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Make over the Garden

 olla la~hehe

Semenjak dua menjak lepas habes sem baru2 ni seriously cam org hilang arah..ta tau nak wat apa dok umah memanjang...oke, baru msk minggu ke-2 cuti..haishh..last week adela join program PEMBINA di UIAM,Gombak..terisi la jugak masa - masa yang ada..huh. the program takes 3 days. thats it..pastu ak da kematian idea blk..rase cam da lme plak cuti neh.. itu lah bebudak zaman suroh blajar masuk U dy sibuk ngat nak blk tiap2 dah bg coti 2 bln sibuk plak nak blk wei shenma? 

apa -apa pon umi and abah ak la plg best.. blk2 da ade org masak, basuh baju, kemas rumah <------- oke, ni ak x buat, assistant baru ak yg buat,,memperkenalkan kak Ann..heheh.dy ni pembantu separuh masa la kt umah ak..yela org kat umah ni sume bajet tulang temulang sume da x kuat kalu bab buat kije - kije neh..mmg x patut.. ta ape..kite tlg org dptkan punca rezki yg halal..oke what..insyaAllah dirahmati Allah..huhu.

orait,,so skarang ni ak discover kije baru that is .........


penat wok kije baru neh..disebabkan umah ak baru abes renovate kat bhgn, garden mak ak pon agak x terurus...haa,ni lah muke yg jd bidan terjun kne jaga garden mini umi ku sayang ni..heh
serabut jgak la mule2..ak bukan nye tau nama2 pokok neh,camane nak jage ke pokok2 ni cantek2..tenang je tgk..memandangkan baru 2 hari ak ditauliahkan utk kerja neh..jd ak wat kije slow and steady je,,ngah3..
..some pics of the garden after the makeover..
(da tade kije sgt,,snap pic memanjang)

mini waterfall yg ikan pon x nak dok sini sbb kecik ngat.

prasan x bunga pokok ni berbentuk burung :)

lepas bunga burung tu kecut dy keluar plak si buah neh..
fasa seterusnya ak x taw sbb stakat hari ni dy x ubah apa2 lagi..
oke, see yall around!

mood : running nose and watery eyes, nak demam le neh..musim ke eh?

Monday, July 18, 2011

Calm Down Darlings!


today I would like to share bout something..yeah,something you know like umm, motivational things like that..huhu. well well well be truth, I am so likely into music. for real when i'm sad i will sing, the same thing goes when i'm happy and i guess for almost every single thing i do! and i can (i will to be specific,heh) sing along together when i hear any songs that i know wherever it is . in the cab/ malls/ even in the streets. duh! so annoying huh? whatever~ do i look like i care? hahah. such a relief tau~

NO, actually i don't know why is that.. err, involuntary action i guess. (ceh,, alasan!!) haha. i know sometimes ia memang memalukan ye..dah la jalan sorang2 pastu tersengih mcm tiram basi nyanyi2 keriangan mcm budak 6 thn dpt jajan.. nak wat camane..saye mmg belum matured lagi~ ngehehe..
(jangan takut ajak saya jalan2 k, i'll try to control myself =,=') 

For me,this is the best way to calm down,relaxing my mind and things like that . there is one time when i feel so bored and all the feeling mixed up and i can't stop myself from singing all day long sampai tertido kepenatan.. memang relief lah lepas tu and you know what, the next day my  roommate said :
 "pa, ko nyanyi sampai kul brape smlm? penat x? sampai tertido aku tggu ko habes nyanyi,, thanks for the lullabies" haha.

oke,,tu perli ke pe? sorry guys kalu ak menggangu. hehe. diorang da paham sgt ak ni camane..hehe. really lap you alls. tu zaman ak kat tamhidi lah . 
skarang ni pon masih menyanyi..(ecewaahh mcm tgh jawab soklan dr wartawan lak ye) tapi kurang sket kot coz i'm not so close with my roommate and takut diorang wat aduan disebabkan gangguan telinga yg parah . hehhe. tp lepas gak bile masuk bilik member yg sekaki kepala ngan aku..hahah. best!

so here some of inspiring songs that we should hear to boost your confident level peeps!
nobody's perfect yet we can try our best to live the life coz life is shorter than what we thought.

Katy Perry - Fireworks

Pink - Perfect

mood : rindu nak blk kampus tetibe~